What Do You Know About Disease X?

Just as the general public has become familiar with the terminology COVID-19, officials have also begun using SARS-CoV-2 in connection with the recent outbreak. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, shortened to SARS-CoV-2, is actually the virus that causes COVID-19 (the disease).

This site contains some facts and opinions that may be controversial, and may challenge some preconceived notions. Facts are sourced, and the info within is for better understanding where we are currently.

Outbreak Timeline

A timeline of events predating COVID-19 that offers a new perspective on the situation we are experiencing.

Important Statistics

An incomplete collection of sourced statistics that show graphs, studies, and results relating to outbreaks.

Do You Have Questions?

After years of mixed messages, look at questions we should want to ask inorder to continue seeking out the truth.

Masks & Social Distancing Info

Research and studies that add to the discussion. In a pandemic choices can be important, and your choices add to the decisions of others.

The Global Great Reset Proposal

You may have heard about this on social media, but you may have also heard that it is a conspiracy. What are the people in power saying?

Info Surrounding Vaccines

Is the risk worth the reward? Can a rushed vaccine be trusted & does the information available allow for your informed consent?