The Global Great Reset Proposal
You may have heard about this on social media, but you may have also heard that it is a conspiracy. What are the people in power saying?
As stated on the World Economic Forum website:
The Great Reset should seek to lend a voice to those who have been left behind, so that everyone who is willing to “co-shape” the future can do so. The reset that we need is not a revolution or a shift to some new ideology. Rather, it should be seen as a pragmatic step toward a more resilient, cohesive, and sustainable world. Some of the pillars of the global system will need to be replaced, and others repaired or strengthened. To achieve shared progress, prosperity, and health requires nothing more – or less.
That all sounds nice, and seems very reasonable. So, what’s the big deal?
As stated on the World Economic Forum website:
But other shibboleths of our global economic system will need to be re-evaluated with an open mind. Chief among these is the neoliberal ideology. Free-market fundamentalism has eroded worker rights and economic security, triggered a deregulatory race to the bottom and ruinous tax competition, and enabled the emergence of massive new global monopolies.
If the COVID crisis has shown us anything, it is that governments, businesses, or civil-society groups acting alone cannot meet systemic global challenges. We need to break down the siloes that keep these domains separate, and start to build institutional platforms for public-private cooperation. Equally important, younger generations must be involved in this process, because it is inherently about the long-term future.
But do neoliberal policy priorities such as low taxes and limited government really need to be ushered out the door? Schwab claims that free-market fundamentalism has “triggered a deregulatory race to the bottom,” which suggests that the major economies of the world are operating under some kind of laissez-faire anarchy. This will come as puzzling news to scholars of government regulation.
Taxpayers are going to expect a reasonable order of priorities when their money is spent, and the same is true of profit-seeking investors. The global regulatory cartel that technocrats such as Schwab envision — a system of supranational policymaking that insulates politicians and CEOs from the demands and expectations of their most important constituents — is exactly the course of action that will end the “neoliberal revolution,” and with it, the prosperity that it creates.
It should absolutely be argued that the current system has brought the developed world amazing growth, health, education, and prosperity. It has not run its course, in fact if anything, it is proving to work for uplifting people from poverty even when free-markets have been over-regulated and corrupted by governments.
The truth about this proposal is that these people think they can destroy the world economy, and “build back better” by redirecting how the economy should work from their elitist positions of power. The globalist agenda is to centrally plan the global economy, rather than allowing for individuals to have more control over their economic freedom. Giving up this control would only lead to Neo-Feudalism practically offering protections to the elite and wealthy, while extracting wealth from poor and working class individuals. It seems the goal is actually to create equality of outcome rather than having the equality of opportunity. This equality would not be desirable, as it would only leave us as a dole of the state begging for a higher universal basic income.
For clarity, Capitalism is resource allocation via freedom and choice, supported by protection of property rights. Shouldn’t be re-imagining that, but rather strengthening our freedom of choice.
This practice is also a bit more nuanced than the current dominant narratives. First and foremost, social distancing works best when used at the onset of the initial moment of spread. This practice has been shown to definitely be effective at a higher rate than wearing masks. This is likely because a young population will be more likely to contract a disease while simultaneously more likely to transmit this disease to an older population. So, when social distancing it can effectively mitigate the spread to other populations if the recommendations are considered.
There are adverse conditions that can trigger negative psychological outcomes in studies. Beyond just the normal anxious conditions that a direct change in society can create, there are much deeper ailments that can occur to the level of depression. It can also exacerbate the feelings of lonliness and isolation with those that live alone and who don’t work in a job that is considered ‘essential’. Social distancing also absolutely adds to distressing families in how they interact and have to be available to their committed social responsibilities. Not to mention the front-line workers that will experience a higher level of stress.
When this is mandated upon society this has a very negative effect. Beyond the effectiveness of the the practice this can be very harmful when used as a mandate. When social distancing is made an edict then it changes social behavior in a very negative way. It will inevitably become a manner of diminishing the spirit. This will directly effect how physically active the average citizen sustains their habitual actions. This includes shutting down gyms and general fitness centers that directly correlate to physioligical well-being.