In 2004, Michel Barnier (French foreign minister) gave the go-ahead for work to start on the Wuhan Institute of Virology, under a joint deal with the Chinese. This P4 was jointly wanted by French President Jacques Chirac and his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, in order, according to Chirac, to “give substance and amplify this alliance of our researchers and this confidence born at the heart of the terrible SARS epidemic.” The move came despite strong opposition from French diplomatic and security advisers, who argued that the Chinese reputation for poor bio-security could lead to a catastrophic leak.
February 1, 2004


PREDICT, a project of United States Agency for International Development’s Emerging Pandemic Threats program, was initiated in 2009 to strengthen global capacity for detection of viruses with pandemic potential that can move between animals and people. They identified 1,200 viruses that had the ability to turn into pandemics, including more than 160 novel coronaviruses. Nearly 7,000 people in 30 countries were trained through PREDICT, including employees of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. This lab went on to identify SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
February 1, 2009

Sep 12, 2011

Virologist Ron Fouchier announces that he and his lab had found a way to make the deadly H5N1 that would likely be just as transmissible from one human to the next as the seasonal flu. He said they "mutated the hell out of H5N1" observing it become a viable aerosol virus. In the derided experiment, they let the virus itself evolve to gain that killer capacity. Several international review committees oversaw his experiments, and he received funding from the National Institutes of Health and was funded by U.S. government grants.
December 9, 2011

Jan 20, 2012

U.S. government asks Ron Fouchier to omit key details of their research when they are published to keep the formula out of the hands of bio-terrorists. And today, researchers announced a self-imposed 60-day "voluntary pause" on any research involving highly transmissible form of bird flu that they have created. Researchers were responding to the worldwide furor that erupted after word of their work became public.
January 20, 2012

Feb 15, 2012

Ren Salerno, senior manager for cooperative threat reduction programs at Sandia National Laboratories, part of the U.S. Department of Energy gives credence to an accidental escape or a plot to steal a pathogen by lab employees acting on their own or under duress. Salerno said, “As more of this kind of research occurs, and it will, especially internationally, the risks of both accidental release or potential theft and misuse will increase as well, the science is way ahead of governments’ ability to regulate the science.”
February 15, 2012

Sep 9, 2013

Ralph Baric, PhD, epidemiology professor at the Gillings School of Global Public Health, will lead the efforts on the respiratory syndromes at UNC. “This new research promises to identify novel genes and genetic functions that promote virus pathogenesis in the host, leading to new targets for antiviral development and vaccine design,” Baric said. “Our group will focus on genes that contribute to highly pathogenic coronavirus infections, using SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV as a model.”
September 9, 2013

Oct 30, 2013

Scientists say they've produced "the clearest evidence yet" the SARS virus originated in Chinese horseshoe bats and that direct bat-to-human transmission is "plausible." The team, which included investigators from China, Australia, Singapore, and the United States, found at least seven different strains of SARS-like viruses circulating in the bats.
October 30, 2013

Oct 16, 2014

US government surprised many researchers when it announced that it will temporarily stop funding risky gain-of-function research that makes certain viruses more deadly or transmissible. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and Department of Health and Human Services announced that the U.S. Government is launching a deliberative process to assess the potential risks.
October 16, 2014

Oct 21, 2014

Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that worked on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors, including Doctor Ralph S. Baric, in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky. After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.
October 21, 2014

Oct 2, 2015

The Obama administration allowed in December 2014 a handful of gain-of-function studies to resume. The National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity takes lead role in formulating policies for work on studies that enhance pathogenicity, transmissibility, or host range of a pathogen with the goals of better understanding disease and developing vaccines and drugs.
October 2, 2015

Oct 9, 2015

Ralph Baric & Zhengli-Li Shi built a chimeric virus encoding a novel, zoonotic CoV spike protein that was isolated from Chinese horseshoe bat. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team's results. The scientists investigated a virus called SHC014. The researchers created this chimeric virus, made up of a surface protein of SHC014 and the backbone of a SARS virus that had been adapted to grow in mice and to mimic human disease. The chimaera infected human airway cells — proving that the surface protein of SHC014 has the necessary structure to bind to a key receptor on the cells and to infect them. It can jump directly from its bat hosts to humans without mutation. However, researchers point out that if the SARS-like virus did jump, it is unclear whether it could spread from human to human.
October 9, 2015

Feb 11, 2016

Viral discovery studies in bats have increased dramatically over the past decade. A study analyzes data from 93 studies with a total of 60,416 specimens, from 44,322 bats were collected and tested across all studies from 2007 to mid-2013 and examine factors that increase success of viral discovery in bats, and specific trends and patterns of infection across host taxa and viral families.
February 11, 2016

Feb 26, 2016

A study reports the isolation and characterization of a novel bat coronavirus which is much closer to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in genomic sequence than others previously reported, particularly in its S gene (spike protein). Cell entry and susceptibility studies indicated that this virus can use ACE2 as a receptor and infect animal and human cell lines. Our results provide further evidence of the bat origin of the SARS-CoV and highlight the likelihood of future bat coronavirus emergence in humans.
February 26, 2016

Aug 8-11, 2016

Between 8 and 11 August 2016, representatives from across the globe – high level policy and decision makers, thought leaders, subject matter experts, researchers, and representatives from international organizations (including those involved with human, animal, and environmental health), academia, donors, foundations, and the private sector – gathered at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Conference Center to develop a vision on the importance and feasibility of the Global Virome Project in building a world that will be better prepared to deal with the consequences of escalating spillover of deadly viruses in ten years.
August 8, 2016

Jan 13, 2017

In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario involving a rapid, global spread of a dangerous virus in cities like London and Seoul, one serious enough that some countries were imposing travel bans. Trump’s incoming team learned that the disease was an emerging pandemic — a strain of novel influenza known as H9N2 — and that health systems were crashing in Asia, overwhelmed by the demand. “Health officials warn that this could become the worst influenza pandemic since 1918,” Trump’s aides were told. Soon, they heard cases were popping up in California and Texas.
January 13, 2017

Jan 30, 2017

A workshop was held at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., 30 January – 2 February 2017 and included USAID, PREDICT, The World Bank, EcoHealth Alliance, and Network for Evaluation of One Health. The workshop focused on: promoting cross-sectoral understanding through clear terminology, work toward multiple gains but recognize that specific disease priorities may provide a platform for initial engagement, increase representation of environment sector, and working within country context.
January 30, 2017

May 24, 2017

Despite cuts in biomedical programs the budget contains new spending, including $207 million for the Department of Health and Human Services to respond in case of an influenza pandemic, an increase of $135 million.
May 24, 2017
September 19, 2017

Nov 13, 2017

Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus. A cave in Yunnan contained all of the building blocks of the SARS-CoV genome and were present in SARSr-CoVs from this single location during our sampling period.These findings provide strong genetic evidence for the bat origin of SARS-CoV with regard to the S gene or ORF8. The study identified a bat habitat potentially important for SARSr-CoV evolution where a series of recombination events have likely occurred among different SARSr-CoV strains, which provides new insights into the origin of SARS-CoV.
November 13, 2017

Dec 19, 2017

National Institutes of Health lifts ban on gain-of-function research that could make deadly viruses even worse. Government officials have decided to finally lift an unusual three-year moratorium on federal funding for the work. The research involves three viruses — influenza, SARS, and MERS that could kill millions if they mutated in a way that let the germs spread quickly among people.
December 19, 2017

Feb 23, 2018

A paper published in the journal Science announces the impending launch of the Global Virome Project to find unknown diseases in the wild, an effort expected to take 10 years and cost $1.2 billion. The project was first announced in 2016 as a proposed cooperative scientific initiative to identify and characterize 99% of the world’s zoonotic viruses with the potential to cause human epidemics. EcoHealth Alliance's President, Dr. Peter Daszak who was a founding partner of the Global Virome Project also stated "This means dedicating money and resources to prevent pandemics before they begin, rather than focusing on controlling those that have already started to spread".
February 23, 2018

March 27, 2018

U.S. Embassy officials visited Wuhan Institute of Virology several times and sent two official warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety at the lab, which was conducting risky studies on coronaviruses from bats and their potential human transmission represented a risk of a new SARS-like pandemic.
March 27, 2018

May 15, 2018

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted the Clade X pandemic tabletop exercise in Washington, DC. The purpose of the exercise was to illustrate high-level strategic decisions and policies that the United States and the world will need to pursue in order to prevent a pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail. A strategic policy goal was to develop capability to produce new vaccines and drugs for novel pathogens within months not years.
May 15, 2018

Sep 18, 2018

The White House and four federal departments unveiled a comprehensive National Biodefense Strategy to make America safer against modern biological threats to the United States. Natural outbreaks, accidental releases, deliberate attacks, and biological threats are among the most serious we face, with the potential for significant health, economic and national security impacts.
September 18, 2018

Oct 17, 2022

US researchers have developed a new lethal Covid strain in a laboratory – echoing the type of experiments many fear started the pandemic. In the new research, which has not been peer-reviewed, a team of researchers from Boston and Florida extracted Omicron's spike protein — the unique structure that binds to and invades human cells. It has always been present in the virus but has become more evolved over time. Omicron has dozens of mutations on its spike protein that made it so infectious. Researchers attached Omicron's spike to the original wildtype strain that first emerged in Wuhan at the start of the pandemic. Writing in the paper, they said: ‘In...mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80 percent.’ The researchers said it signaled that while the spike protein is responsible for infectivity, changes to other parts of its structure determine its deadliness.
October 17, 2022

::: TO BE ADDED :::


NOV 10, 2015 – SHI & RALPH SHCO14-CoV no treatment


FEB 11, 2016 – Optimizing Viral Discovery in Bats using PCR testing Funded by USA


FEB 26, 2016 – CLOSE TO SARS Funded by China, USA & Singapore


AUG 8-11, 2016




JAN 30-FEB2, 2017


SEPT 19, 2017


NOV 13, 2017 – Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus Funded by China & USA


NOV 30, 2017


JAN 1, 2018


JAN 19, 2018


FEB 22, 2018




MAY 15, 2018



FEB 8, 2019 – Controversial Experiments Resume


AUG 8, 2019


SEPT 20, 2019



OCT 25, 2019


NOV 17, 2019


JAN 7, 2020


JAN 26, 2020


FEB 10, 2020


FEB 14, 2020 – Great Reset & Research link up in using the same framework, acronyms, and verbiage as UN 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Development Goals), One Health & The World Bank by eradicating global poverty and shared prosperity



FEB 24, 2020 – SARS-CoV-2 is found out to gain entry into human cells through ACE2 receptor


FEB 26, 2020



MARCH 19, 2020




MARCH 31, 2020





APRIL 1, 2020


APRIL 4, 2020


APRIL 9, 2020



APRIL 14, 2020


APRIL 16, 2020


MAY 2, 2020


MAY 2, 2020



MAY 4, 2020



MAY 6, 2020


MAY 28, 2020 – Ralph Is like a Prophet


JUNE 1, 2020


JUNE 3, 2020


JULY 7, 2020



SEPT 2020


DEC 21, 2020


DEC 21, 2020


DEC 28, 2020



DEC 28, 2020